Advent and Christmas at Home

Here are my Advent and Christmas posts linked for easy reference:

Martin of Tours, Veterans’ Day, and Advent now updated in 2022 with resources that reflect new thinking about the binary of light and dark.

Advent ideas are suggestions for a slower, simpler start to the season, including music to set the mood.

Advent at home with reading recommendations, and this post on an Advent picture book, with a reading for each day.

Celebrating Christmas at home has some thoughts about crèches, squeezing more people around your holiday table, and Epiphany.

Christmas morning ideas and a recipe for my eggnog French toast that you’ll need to assemble the night before.

Christmas Proclamation adapted from Roman martyrology, a fantastic addition to your Christmas Day liturgy or gathering!

Christmas very much at home from the first pandemic Christmas, with simmer pot and honeycomb recipes and links to liturgies.

Light of the World, a homily preached on Christmas Eve 2021 at Saint Mark’s Cathedral.

Wendy Claire Barrie is the author of Faith at Home: A Handbook for Cautiously Christian Parents.

One thought on “Advent and Christmas at Home

  1. One way to celebrate Advent at home as a family is by going through an Advent calendar. Advent calendars come in a wide variety of options. The centerpiece of the home is, of course, the Christmas tree, a beloved tradition that spans the Advent and Christmas seasons.


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